Exploring Aerosols in the Stratosphere | |||||
Relevant Math, Science and Language Standards (NGSS.SEP:2,4,5,7) Developing and using models; Analyzing and interpreting data; using mathematics and computational thinking; Engaging in argument from evidence (CCSSM.MP.4) Model with mathematics. (CCSS/ELA. RTS.11-12.2) Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. |
SAGE III Goes to the ISS | |||||
Using Technology to Explore the Stratosphere Find out about the technology NASA is using to measure aerosols and ozone in the stratosphere. This video describes the design, launch and installation of the SAGE III instrument, and how its measurements will help scientists understand global temperature changes. [Open Video] |
Explore | |||||
Select 1-page problems appropriate for students exploration of the math involved with the science theme. SAGE III Explores Aerosol Math (2014) 18 Problems; 2 Interactive Labs This book explores the properties of atmospheric aerosols being studied by the NASA SAGE III instrument onboard the International Space Station. Download Book: [PDF: 20.4 Mby ]
Engage with Press Releases | |||||
Particles in Upper Atmosphere Slow Down Global Warming
(July 25, 2011 :
A study published July 21 in Science and led by Susan Solomon, of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), presents new evidence that particles located in the upper layer of the atmosphere -- also called the stratosphere -- have played a significant role in cooling the climate in the past decade, despite being at persistently low levels.
Stratospheric aerosols, which are small droplets consisting of sulfuric acid and water, have been reflecting some sunlight
back into space, which would have otherwise warmed the Earth."Stratospheric aerosols are a small variable in the climate change
equation," said Larry Thomason, a scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center, "But if you compare the climate system to a balanced
scale, it doesn't take much to tip that scale. Stratospheric aerosols have that potential."
NASA's Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE II) monitored them from 1984 to 2005, and the joint NASA/CNES Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) has been able to estimate the amount of particles in the stratosphere since its launch in 2006. The NASA data was
also combined with data from Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars (GOMOS), a European Space Agency instrument.
These stratospheric aerosols that need to be taken into account are heavily
influenced by a natural source - volcanic eruptions. "Even in times without
major eruptions, the role of the stratosphere's sulfuric aerosol in climate
has remained significant. If they are neglected, it can result in overestimates
of global warming in coming decades, particularly if these aerosols remain
present at current values or increase," said Thomason. Additional Press Releases:
Explain | |||||
Extend | |||||
Evaluate | |||||
Evaluate students' understanding of how math, science and technology work together to increase our understanding of the role of aerosols and ozone in the stratosphere and how these affect climate change, through formative or summative assessments. |